There’s a big chance that Rogue River will go by unnoticed for the lazy genre fans. Why? Well first of all it felt as if it wasn´t really aiming for a specific audience, but instead you end up with more of a ´personal´ project. Which I definitely liked and I will praise every director who does so. Again, that´s just the way it made me feel and I understand how this might not translate to everyone.

A major highlight is the unknown ´Michelle Page´. Truly a wonderful performance on her part, she´s the perfect fit for victim roles such as these. A true scream queen with a great pressence and the ability to translate fear on screen. Though, my mind was all set up to enjoy Bill Moseley. And I did! He was perfect. It wasn´t too crazy, nor too down to earth. He was just spot on when it came to portraing a eeryday looking psychopath.
The best part about writing a review is that you´ll actually start thinking about all of the different situations, perfomances, shots and the soundtrack. It will complete the ideas you had after a normal screening, and by that I mean without taking silly notes (who does that…?). The mixed feelings I had are slowly dissapearing and I’m starting to convine myself that I really liked it for the most part.
That’s really all there’s to it. It has a great pace, McClure is a skilled director and the cast is beyond enjoyable. It might be hit or miss for most viewers, but I’d still recommend it. Too bad I thought it could’ve been more than it is right now. Anyhow, looking for a convincing cat & mouse game? Then you’ll find yourself enjoying Rogue River.
Score: 75/100
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